On 2008-06-08, I wrote:
We celebrated my grandfather's 100th birthday with him and the rest of
the family, this weekend.
Pam just found the photographs that he took after liberating the
Dachau concentration-camp: they're in the Israeli Holocaust Memorial,
which is online at http://www.yadvashem.org/. Unfortunately,
I can't link to them, because yadvashem.org us using some sort of
session-cookie system....
Today was Veteran's Day, 8 years later--time to remember
people like my grandfather; especially now that he's no longer here
to tell the stories himself (not that he ever really wanted to).
It looks like yadvashem.org may actually have fixed their problem
at some point in the intervening years--or at least lessened it;
even if the links no longer expire, their URLs are still pretty
close to impossible to actually capture and convey to anyone....
Considering the purpose of something like Yad Vashem, it seems
just about unconscionable that whoever was presumably hired
to build it actually built it the way they did:
actually made it hard to direct people to it,
made it a memorial that's hard to commit to memory.
At the very least, someone seriously screwed up.
In case the the the link into yadvashem.org is still fragile,
I've pulled down the dozen photographs and republished them
in a more usable--and more conveyable--gallery on my website: