Now that I've learned enough Etk to be get hacking, `Mobile VisualIDs'
are coming along nicely:

I added a column to libframeworkd-phonegui-efl 's contacts-listing
GUI, today, and just made it look-up PNG-files generated by
mkvisualid for contact-names, in the same way that I currently have
Nautilus looking up SVG-files for file-names.
evas doesn't support
SVG, so I just need to add an option to
libvisualid to output PNG-files
(which Cairo supports!) and to
resolve input file-names to PNG-icon paths.
Then I'll see where else it makes sense to add VisualIDs in the phone
UI; the openmoko-dialer3 `incoming call' (and `active call') UI is
pretty sparse, right now--there's a huge empty space where it'd be
really nice to have some sort of caller- (or `callee-') -identifying
graphic (and where other phones do put such a graphic).
I was able to get the editor running last week, since that (obviously)
didn't require learning anything new aside from loading and using an
OpenMoko toolchain, which
is trivial--my Autoconf ./configure just works if I just pass the
right `--host=' option, and my code is apparently free of any
byte-sex or word-length issues (there weren't really many
\ opportunities' for those sorts of bugs in libvisualid , anyway).
While the embedded ARM processor provides enough processing-power to
make even real-time editing of VisualIDs reasonably snappy, the
`finger-friendliness' is something that I'm going to have to work on:
For one, I never considered that the monitor might not actually be big
enough to hold all of the parameters at once. Of course, the
ridiculously-high resolution of the FreeRunner means that quite a lot
of data can fit on the screen at once--and even be legible..., but
good luck pressing a spinbutton that's 2 millimeters wide.
A minor tweak to the GTK+ theme can make the spinbuttons large enough
to be touchable, and putting a GtkScrolledWindow (or a
MokoFingerScroll from
libmokoui2 )
around the parameter-list would be a way of keeping all of the
parameters accessible.
Of course, I'd really like to have a click-and-drag, `direct
manipulation' mechanism for parameter-modification, which might make
the spinbutton issue less relevant. Though, the funny thing about that
is: while click-and-drag WYSIWYG editing works great on a bigger
screen, I can see how going that way might make things more difficult
on a small, finger-oriented screen. So, where the `list of
spinbuttons' UI was supposed to be a stopgap on the desktop, maybe
it's actually more like the way to go on the FreeRunner.